
Ways to Help Kids Deal With Divorce

Divorce may be between a couple but that doesn’t mean it leaves no impact on families, especially children.

Children arguably feel it more deeply than others.

Parents have to be careful about how this life-altering decision can affect their kids.

Understanding the Impact

Children might feel sad, angry, anxious, guilty, or feel a ‘loss’ over the family breaking apart.

Focusing issues, poor school performance, and behavior problems may also show up. This can be seen through their defiance towards authority figures, or impulsive or aggressive behavior.

Some kids may pull away from their friends and social activities. Anxiety and stress can cause health problems like headaches, stomachaches, trouble sleeping, etc.

Children may be afraid of being left alone or losing love, so they may try to please both parents to avoid that.

Basic Strategies for Parents

During and after a divorce, parents must put their kids’ health and happiness first. Talk to your kids about what is going on in a way that is appropriate for their age. Assure them that the divorce is not their fault and encourage them to talk about how they feel.

Do not mix personal fights with your co-parenting duties. Kids can handle changes better if routines, rules, and schedules stay the same.

Be very cautious when introducing new partners to kids. Don’t catch them off-guard. To be safe, let them give therapy a try as a way for them to express and understand their feelings without feeling burnt out.

Providing Support and Stability

Kids will always have a hard time with divorce, but parents can make sure their needs are met. Help them during this change. Be on their side. Make sure there’s stability and open communication.

As long as you prioritize your kids and their well-being, you can help them through this and they may feel more comfortable about the new reality as they come to terms with it.

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