
Managing Oily Skin

People with oily skin face a frequent need for blotting sheets, which is very frustrating. Sometimes within minutes after washing your face, it can go back to feeling oily all over again. 

This skin type is also more prone to breakouts as the excess in sebum mixes with dead skin cells, causing clogged pores.

If any of your family members has oily skin, there is a high chance that you will, too. That’s because oily skin can be inherited – you can’t fix it but only manage it.


As you get older, your skin will produce less oil. That’s why many people notice that their skin gets dryer as they age. 

This can introduce fine lines and wrinkles on your face or make those present more visible because of a decrease in collagen and sebum.

If you have oily skin, don’t be disheartened. You will show signs of aging much later than those with dry skin. Just keep assessing your skin regularly, as your skin type may change over the year.

Environment and Seasons

Hot weather or humidity makes skin oilier during summer months compared to cooler seasons. 

Adjust your skincare according to the climate changes. Use matte moisturizers and foundations to control the excess shine.


Pores that are enlarged – usually because of ageing, weight changes or history of acne – tend to produce more oil.

You can’t permanently shrink your pores. What you can do is go for targeted treatments, focusing on areas with larger pores and using blotting sheets throughout the day.


If you’re using certain skin care products that don’t suit your skin type – it may make the oiliness worse.

Don’t confuse combination skin with oily skin. You may be making the mistake of using products that are too rich.

Go for lighter moisturizers and gel-based cleansers instead, especially during warm months.


If you wash or exfoliate a lot, that can be counter-productive and may strip your skin of essential oils. Your glands may end up producing even more oil to compensate.

You have to find a balance – washing your face twice a day is enough. Go for less oily sunscreens and reapply as needed.


It’s a common misconception to think that people with oily skin cannot moisturize their skin regularly. 

Even oily skin needs moisturizing. Contrary to popular belief, even acne-prone skin needs moisturizing because acne treatment can dry out the skin.

You have to find the right type of moisturiser, like lightweight or water-based formulas that are easy on your pores.


If you go for foods that are higher in water content, antioxidants, and beta-carotene like – cucumbers, green vegetables, citrus fruits, dark chocolate, coconut water, carrots, etc., you can begin noticing positive changes.

At the same time, you should cut down on processed foods. Sugars and unhealthy fats are your enemy.

Regular exercise is also good for general health as well as your skin health. It’s necessary to release toxins from the body – but make sure you clean your skin afterward.


You can try to manage oily skin with some home remedies. Honey is known for its antibacterial properties, which can be very beneficial. 

For cosmetic solutions go for clay masks. Clay can absorb excess oil well. You can even give aloe vera soothes a try. Tomatoes are rich in salicylic acid, so they can be added to home masks.

Differin Gel

This gel contains adapalene. It’s a type of retinoid that helps you handle oily skin by controlling cell turnover. 

You’ll notice a reduction in inflammation and oil production as the gel works on your sebaceous glands.

For best results, just focus on developing a skincare routine suitable for your skin type. If you find yourself struggling, no matter what you do, and which remedy you try, get in touch with a dermatologist for further advice.

For more information, visit Canadian pharmacy

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